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My Story

Becky Evans is a YOUnique Healer, based in Crickhowell and Brecon

Whilst writing this, I was on a road trip through the Highlands of Scotland, one of the most truly beautiful countries I have ever visited, with breathtaking views around every corner. During the trip I felt a roller coaster of feelings, some of complete joy and happiness, but also emotions I simply wanted to run away from, emotions I was scared of and realisations that terrified me! To explain a little more, a few weeks prior to my trip to Scotland I handed in my resignation letter to the school I had worked in since qualifying as a Primary School Teacher. This action was the most terrifying action of my life, in my head I was letting go of any type of financial security I had desperately worked so hard for, to ensure I was able to provide for myself and my family. However, over the years, my family had witnessed me losing myself, as I persisted in trying to stay in a position that no longer aligned with who I was. So one Tuesday afternoon, I sat in my classroom with my salty tears falling down my cheeks and I decided that I could no longer do this. Not because of my lovely pupils, not because of my supportive work colleagues, but because every part of my soul and physical body was screaming at me to walk away and take a leap of faith. So that night I wrote my resignation letter and handed it in the next day. That day, I felt truly alive, I felt like I was on top of the world and my soul felt aligned to who I truly am. You see, over the last few years, my life has drastically changed… and this change has brought a significant amount of deep soul healing, and when I say deep soul healing I mean: moments where my whole body has been lying on my bed trembling and shaking in sorrow, sadness and heartache; facing the darkness of my own demons

whilst being completely blinded by fear; feelings of such worthlessness that I have just wanted to give up completely; feelings of complete isolation as my journey brought me to a place of questioning and self researching which often went against the grain of mainstream media and views; and massive feelings of rage surging and coursing through my veins as I slowly lifted the veil. Who am I kidding, there was no “slowly” about it!! My journey has been intense and insane and one day I will write a book telling the world about my fascinating tale. But briefly, here’s an outline of my journey so far. It started with a passion for crystals, which led me to completing a Crystal Healing course with Holistic Serenity. During my practical training, I encountered some unusual phenomenon, which highlighted to me that there was a whole other world that we cannot see! One of my case studies found the power within to unblock their third eye chakra and activated their gift as a “seer”. Another experience involved a removal of three extremely angry earthbound Roman soldiers who had been tricked to their deaths. And at this point I was aware that this was not quite the usual crystal healing in the textbooks I had studied, but it did get me truly hooked and I knew then that this was my calling in life and it was what I had been searching for. During this work, I was becoming more and more aware of lower frequency energies and I felt a strong urge to create a closer connection with the Angelic realm. This brought me onto my next training of Angelic Reiki, I have completed Levels 1 to 4 and my Practitioner and Master Level. I undertook lots of reading and research to discover what these low level energies were and how other healing practitioners were removing them. Together with my spiritual team I developed my own YOUnique technique to remove these low level frequencies that were blocking my clients from progressing along their journey. As I progressed with this technique, I was removing a range of peculiar energies! This led me to Laura Whitworth (Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis) as I remember coming across one of her posts on social media about all the different types of energies she had removed that week and it was very similar to what I was removing. I then completed Laura’s Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis Training. This training accelerated my knowledge and understanding immensely as Laura provided in-depth and extensive training around low level attachments and how to remove them using the Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis Technique. I am also trained in Soul Centre Healing Past Life Regression, which allows clients to travel to another significant life and heal any trauma that may be influencing this current lifetime. As part of my training, I completed a number of Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis Sessions on other practitioners and I also received this healing myself. These sessions were profound for my own healing journey and together we healed so many layers that were holding me back from stepping into my true power and true authentic self. I also met a lot of amazing healing practitioners along the way, which I am extremely grateful for as I learnt something from every single one of them. As time progressed, I delved deeper into the world of energy and I was called to complete my Usui Reiki Level 1 and I completed the Pure Energy Healing Course with Mark Bajerski, at the Pure Energy Healing Academy. Mark continued to inspire me to develop my own YOUnique Energy Healing. Along the way I have encountered beautiful experiences and developed a range of self-healing techniques as well as developing my ability to create individual, tailored guided meditations for clients, specifically designed to support their particular healing journey. This brings me to where I am today, feeling confident in my ability to help heal and support individuals through difficult times in their life and helping individuals remember their worth, their beauty and their power! I have been truly blessed along this path, and I have encountered the most beautiful and talented of souls, which has helped me develop and master my own YOUnique Healing technique.


At the very beginning of my healing journey, my spirit team kept reminding me of the importance of ME, the importance of YOU, the importance of MYSELF, and the importance of I. During my work I have learnt that a “healer” or “healing practitioner” is someone who facilitates and helps activate the power within YOU to help YOU heal, let go and release. When I work with my clients, I make it clear that any energetic work completed is not an instant fix and must be dovetailed with self-healing, self-reflection, acceptance of yourself and others, forgiveness of yourself and others, letting go and a willingness and motivation for change. This is what makes my energy work so beautiful, because from my experience the most profound changes and miracles happen from within, with strong intentions from both yourself and I and a strong commitment to one’s self and one’s spiritual and emotional growth. This is one of the reasons why I developed my “Crystal Baths” to provide a sacred healing space for people to take a moment out of their busy lives and be still and come back to themselves and their bodies, whilst surrounded in high frequency healing and crystal energy. This sacred time gives yourself a chance to develop and support your self-healing journey. It gives you the time for self-reflection, acceptance, letting go and forgiveness. And this time is so beautifully important for your mind, body and soul.


Reflecting upon my experience of self-healing; I feel the darkest moments of our healing journeys are what signposts our growth, it’s what makes us stronger and gives us that fight! Healing is NEVER easy, but it’s truly magnificent when you look back upon your journey and take a moment to reflect and acknowledge how far you have grown, what you have overcome and what you have achieved along the way! I have experienced feelings of joy and happiness, love and passion. However, there is nothing more euphoric than connecting fully into yourself, realising who you are, why you are here and truly remembering how magnificently powerful and divine you are, even if you don’t feel it all the time! And at this point I want to a say a massive thank you to everyone who has been a “healer” for me: whether that be a healing practitioner who has shined some light on my path and helped me move forward; or a friend who has sat and listened to me, or held a space for me to cry and release; or someone who has upset me or triggered me, because this has allowed me to look deeper within and continue to work upon myself. You see, we are all healers in our own unique way and we all have the ability to heal ourselves through every type of trauma we encounter, but I know how it feels to be lost in the darkness and sometimes all you need is someone to shine a light to help show you the way and remind you of how magnificently powerful and completely capable of healing yourself you truly are!


So thank you to you all, I am forever grateful because all my experiences, both good and bad, created the person I am today and got me to a beautiful place where I can do something I am completely passionate about, and that is helping others feel as happy as I am today! 💕


Along the way I have learnt that this life is all divinely planned and everything happens for a reason. Everyone we come across or feel guided to, is guided to us for a reason. So take the biggest leap today, and start trusting and listening to your intuition and reach out to that person who you feel can help you along your path. It doesn’t have to be me, anyone, all I ask is that you start choosing YOU today and you will slowly start creating a beautiful new path for yourself! Everyone of us is uniquely special and we all have a life purpose, lessons to learn, experiences to go through, cycles to break and karma to clear.


So anyways here I am, just an average woman trying my best to navigate through life, self-heal, step into my power and live a beautifully aligned life full of purpose and passion towards helping others heal and grow. If you feel drawn to reach out to me and even work alongside me, please do not hesitate to contact me, I would be privileged to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about my journey!




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