This beautiful Crystal Chakra Set includes 7 crystals all specifically chosen to help the 7 main Chakras of the energetic body.
Crystals included:
Crown Chakra- Clear Quartz
This crystal can clear the crown chakra and help to enhance mental clarity by clearing the mind. It can also amplify psychic gifts and stimulate positive thoughts and feelings.
Third Eye Chakra - Kyanite
This crystal can help open the third eye by enhancing intutive abilities and allowing you to access meditative states and recall dreams. It can also help relive headaches/migraines and balance emotions.
Throat Chakra - Amazonite
This crystal can clear blockages in the throat chakra and enhance communication skills. It can help bring peace and calmness to your nervous system as it helps us understand opposite sides of an opposing view.
Heart Chakra - Malachite
This crystal helps open the heart chakra by bringing a stonger connection to onself and helps facilitate self love. This is a transformative stone as it will bring emotional healing to any part of your life.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine
This crystal supports the solar plexus as it inspires confidence, increases optimism and helps improve the digestive and immune system. This stone also helps cleanse your aura and align all chakras.
Sacral Chakra - Carnelian
This crystal helps support the sacral chakra by balancing the hormones, restoring vitality and motivation. It stimulates creativity, courage, confidence and empowerment.
Root Chakra - Black Tourmaline
This crystal brings a level of protection during your meditation as it soaks up negative energies. It opens and activates the root chakra as it helps relieve anxiety and stress. It helps facilitate a good nights sleep and keeps you grounded.
Crystal Chakra Set
Crystals hold their own high frequency vibration, due to the exposure of atmosphere, temperature and pressures that the atoms of the crystals were exposed to during their formation. As these crystals hold such high frequency, they can help heal the body through vibration and frequency. The law of energy means that when that crystal is on the body, the energetic body will naturally respond to that higher frequency and therefore the crystal encourages the energetic body to also vibrate at that particular vibration. As a consquence, crystals can help shift low frequency energy. Low frequency energy within the body can cause blockages within the energy flow (the chakras) which causes a dis-ease in the energetic body. Over time this low frequecny energy can cause dis-ease / alignments in the physical body.
Crystals have been used for over 60,000 years to help heal, but going back even further to Lemuria and Atlantis era, crystals were used to light homes and to store and access information. In these ancient civilsations they understood that our DNA and our structure is crystalline and this means we were essentially a crystal ourselves.